Giants spent all week getting ready for rain and mud
David Tyree calls Giants' journey a 'carbon copy' of 2007

Brian Urlacher says he'd hide concussion from doctors

By Tom Weir, USA TODAY

Brian Urlacher is a regular user of the pain-killing drug Toradol, and says he wouldn't reveal a concussion to team doctors.

"If I have a concussion these days, I'm going to say something happened to my toe or knee just to get my bearings for a few plays," Urlacher tells HBO's Real Sports. "I'm not going to sit in there and say I got a concussion, I can't go in there the rest of the game."

The Chicago Bears linebacker also told HBO (via the Chicago Tribune) that his use of Toradol wasn't a big thing.

"You drop your pants, you get the alcohol, they give you a shot, put the Band-Aid on, you go out and play," Urlacher said. "Not that big of a deal."

But Toradol's side effects include the possibility of kidney failure and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Urlacher isn't concerned, telling HBO: "First of all we love football. We want to be on the field as much as we can be. If we can be out there, it may be stupid, it may be dumb, call me dumb and stupid then because I want to be on the football field."

The Tribune describes Toradol as a legal and nonaddictive drug that is used to reduce inflammation and pain. The HBO show airs Tuesday.

Giants spent all week getting ready for rain and mud
David Tyree calls Giants' journey a 'carbon copy' of 2007
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