Debate schedule set for 2012 election
Conservatives compare Cain to Clarence Thomas

Rick Perry's speech video goes viral

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY

A video of GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry, rambling and making jokes, has gone viral on YouTube.

The Texas governor spoke Friday to Cornerstone, an influential conservative group in New Hampshire. Video highlights of his remarks, facial expressions and hand gestures -- interspersed with a plug for his flat tax plan -- made the rounds this weekend. The video has now been viewed more than 190,000 times on YouTube.

At one point, Perry was given some maple syrup and called it "liquid gold."

"If they print any more money in Washington, the gold is gonna be good," Perry says.

At one other point, he jokes about mottos like New Hampshire's "Live Free or Die" and "Victory or Death," a rallying cry from Lt. Col. William B. Travis' letter to the people of Texas while under siege at the Alamo.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram says in a blog post that some people are wondering whether Perry was drunk or on drugs at the event.

Perry spokesman Mark Miner told The Huffington Post that "Perry is passionate about the issues he talks about."

Debate schedule set for 2012 election
Conservatives compare Cain to Clarence Thomas
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