Video: 'Assassin's Creed Revelations'
Trailer Park: 'SSX'

PlayStation 3 scores NFL Sunday Ticket

By Brett Molina, USA TODAY

Talk about a huge score for the PlayStation 3.

Sony has announced a deal with satellite TV provider DirecTV to bring the subscription service NFL Sunday Ticket to PS3 consoles.

The package includes access to up to 14 out-of-market football games every Sunday -- all in full HD -- and DirecTV's Red Zone Channel.

Sunday Ticket will cost DirecTV subscribers an extra $50, while the cost for non-subscribers is $339.95.

The NFL deal sets up PS3 as a significant sports hub. Sony offers similar services for pro baseball and hockey in the form of MLB.TV and the NHL GameCenter.

Video: 'Assassin's Creed Revelations'
Trailer Park: 'SSX'
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