The holidays are here ... and so is 'Last Christmas'
Early Buzz: 'Transformers,' Aretha, Franco and more headlines

Exclusive preview: 'The Guild: Vork'

By Whitney Matheson, USA TODAY

As you may know, I'm a huge fan of The Guild, the funny, imaginative, geeky, gleeful and addictive web series created by Felicia Day. If you've seen one episode, chances are you've seen them all. (And bonus: The talented Wil Wheaton added some spark to the last two seasons.)

It makes sense that The Guild would branch out to comics, since much of its audience probably consists of comic-book fans. On Dec. 22 Dark Horse will issue The Guild: Vork, a story written by Day and Jeff Lewis (the actor who plays Vork in the series).

I offered you a preview of the Guild covers a few months ago. Now hold your breath, because I have the first six pages of Vork right here:

The holidays are here ... and so is 'Last Christmas'
Early Buzz: 'Transformers,' Aretha, Franco and more headlines
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