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Kinect support for Netflix debuts

By Brett Molina, USA TODAY

Xbox 360 owners who use the popular Netflix app can now search for and play movies without using a controller.

Microsoft announced starting today, the Netflix app now supports the Xbox's motion control sensor Kinect.

Users can launch Netflix from the Kinect interface and seek out new movies with only voice commands and hand gestures. Users can also play, fast forward, pause and rewind film with their voice or hands.

"Since its launch, Netflix has always been one of the most popular services on Xbox Live, so we are excited to deliver a brand new way to control this experience in a way that can't be found anywhere else, says Pete Thompson, Xbox Live's general manager, in a statement.

The Netflix app -- which debuted on the Xbox in 2008 -- allows console owners with a Netflix subscription to stream movies and television shows, as well as share favorites with friends in a Movie Party.

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