Obama's day: Watching Egypt and saying farewell to his press secretary
White House to Iran: Stop blocking media coverage

Obama to propose slashing home heating aid for poor

By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY

President Obama's 2012 budget, set to be released on Monday, will propose cutting $2.5 billion from a $5 billion program that provides home heating aid for the poor, according to the National Journal. A perennial budget target, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program would be slashed to its 2008 level.

Lawmakers from New England and other northern states always fight efforts to cut the program.

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is among them this year. He says the more than 3 million families that rely on the government's help would suffer.

"I've always supported serious efforts to restore fiscal sanity, but in the middle of a brutal, even historic, New England winter, home heating assistance is more critical than ever to the health and welfare of millions of Americans, especially senior citizens," Kerry said.

Obama's day: Watching Egypt and saying farewell to his press secretary
White House to Iran: Stop blocking media coverage
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