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Matt Damon criticizes Obama on poverty, Afghanistan

By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY

Matt Damon doesn't sugarcoat his answer, in an interview on CNN tonight, when Piers Morgan asks the actor if he's happy with the job President Obama is doing.

"No," says Damon. "I really think he misinterpreted his mandate. A friend of mine said to me the other day, I thought it was a great line, 'I no longer hope for audacity,'" Damon said, referring to the title of Obama's political memoir.

Damon, who was one of Obama's earliest celebrity supporters during the 2008 presidential campaign, noted that in his State of the Union, Obama "didn't even say the word 'poverty.' You've got millions of people languishing in it."

Damon said he appreciates that the president is a "deep thinker." The actor called Obama brilliant, but said he "definitely wanted more."

When questioned about Afghanistan, Damon said, "I don't think the mission there has been very well articulated. And I think it would help to kind of reframe the way we're thinking about being there and why we're there."

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