Computer History Museum's list of cool tech gifts
Gift Guide : Sony NEXVG10 video camera

Top tech gifts: Postcards from Santa

By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY

Here's a cool new iPhone and Android app for children (or adults) who love Christmas.

Postcards from Santa, out today, lets consumers order personalized postcards from the North Pole.

The idea is simple. Consumers choose from one of five nostalgic pictures of Santa Claus. They then type in the name and physical mailing address of the young recipient. The sender can come up with a personal message or pick a pre-written message from Santa.

The app is free to download. Postcards are $1.99 each, which includes printing and worldwide postage.

"It's a fun thing to do, practical and quick," says Matthew Brezina, founder of e-mail service Xobni, who came up with the idea with a buddy. His side venture is named Camera Shoot Photo Postcards.

It takes two to five days for a postcard to be delivered in the U.S. and Canada, five to 14 days for the rest of the world.

By Jon Swartz

Computer History Museum's list of cool tech gifts
Gift Guide : Sony NEXVG10 video camera
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