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Pop Podcast Primer: My top 10 comics podcasts

By Whitney Matheson, USA TODAY

In the last week, I've heard almost 40 podcasts about comics and graphic novels. And that's just a tiny percentage of what's out there.

If you're a comic-book fan and haven't been listening to any comic-book podcasts, you're missing a huge part of the scene. This genre covers news, reviews, interviews, technique, geeky debate and (lots of!) opinion. What else could you want?

It was extremely difficult to narrow my findings to 10 favorites, but I managed to do it. I recommend all of these podcasts, which vary in tone and approach:

10. Comic Book Queers -- Yes, gay people read comics, too. The hosts of CBQ examine the comics world with a funny and honest point of view ... and even if the sound quality isn't always perfect, their fresh perspective makes the podcast worth hearing.

9. Awesomed by Comics -- So here's the thing: As a lady, I get kind of tired of hearing oodles of dudes gabbing about comics. (I'd say maybe 98% of comics podcasts are hosted by guys.) So it was refreshing to be introduced to Evie and her husband Aaron, two obsessed and intelligent comics fanatics who trade reviews and witty banter each week. In about an hour, you'll get caught up on the latest news and grab a few suggestions for the best books on the shelves.

8. Raging Bullets -- I'm a DC fan, but oh, my golly, I have a hard time keeping up with all the titles. This DC Comics fan podcast is great about making sure listeners are up-to-date with the latest happenings in the DC Universe.

7. Inkstuds -- I fell for this show at first listen. This podcast focuses on interviews with creators of indie comix, like Brian Chippendale (great episode), Renee French and Will Dinski. If your tastes run a little out of the mainstream, this is the place to hear artists' in-depth conversations about their work.

6. Indie Spinner Rack -- Similarly, here's another one for indie fans. The format differs in that you'll hear a lot of news items (very helpful) and host commentary with tips on new books, etc. It goes hand in hand with Inkstuds, if you ask me.

5. Two-Headed Nerd -- This relatively new podcast is already on its way to success, partly because of a tight format that includes a news segment and a couple reviews of the best books on shelves each week. It gets major props for a well-oiled 30 minute format and a non-pretentious attitude. (Many comics podcasts can run two hours or more, which is a serious commitment!)

4. Tom vs. The Flash -- This podcast defies categorization and might belong in the "comedy" section as well. In a swift 10-15 minutes, host Tom Katers recaps an old '60s issue of Aquaman, and it's absolutely hilarious. Even if you don't read lots of comics, you still may enjoy this one for its supreme storytelling and antiquated references. (Note: It's called Tom vs. The Flash because Tom began the podcast by recapping old issues of The Flash.)

3. iFanboy -- These guys have been podcasting for so long they have it down to a science. The hosts are funny, informative and they don't always agree -- which is a good thing. I like how they incorporate listeners in several features (like by playing fan voicemail/questions) and cater to what I'd call the "medium nerd." Even casual comics readers will find something to enjoy here.

2. 11 O'Clock Comics -- Need more comics commentary in your life? Yes, 11 O'Clock is long -- like, two-t0-three hours long. But once I started it, I found I couldn't stop, and I found the guys to be trustworthy experts in offering tips and reviews. They also treat indie and mainstream books with equal love, so if you're looking for one-stop listening, this could be your destination. (As evidenced by their listener mail, it also maintains a rabid following.)

1. Word Balloon -- Every listener prefers a different kind of podcast. Personally, I go for the interviews, and the hands-down best in this category is Word Balloon. Host John Sluntres has interviewed many of the top creators in the business: Matt Fraction. Ed Brubaker. Brian Michael Bendis. He asks great questions, and he gets the answers. It's hard to find another podcast or print publication like it.

Next week: I'll list my favorite MUSIC PODCASTS. Please send all suggestions to

Previously in the Pop Podcast Primer:

- My top 10 comedy podcasts

DVR/stream alert: 'Kurt Cobain: About a Son' honors icon's birthday
Experts gather for a Warhol tweeting marathon
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