Automakers look to cut hundreds of pounds out of pickups
Rare barn-find 1964 Shelby Cobra goes to auction

New Year's Day remains worst day for auto thefts

By Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY

Those stumbling back to their cars after a night of partying to welcome the new year shouldn't be surprised when they find it missing: New Year's Day remains the worst day of the year for auto thefts.

At least that was the case in 2009, the latest year for which the National Insurance Crime Bureau has data. Lowest day for auto thefts? Only a week before, Christmas, apparently because even crooks understand the need for some holiday cheer.

"While Americans are enjoying the holidays and most have time off from work, we need to remember that holidays are just another day at the shop for vehicle thieves," the NICB says.

The good news is that vehicle thefts have been declining for six consecutive years.

Here's a list of how the holidays ranked for car thefts in 2009:

New Year's Day 2,760
Halloween 2,325
Independence Day 2,207
Memorial Day 2,207
Presidents Day 2,204
Labor Day 2,202
New Year's Eve 2,189
Valentine's Day 2,090
Christmas Eve 1,851
Thanksgiving 1,620
Christmas Day 1,336

Automakers look to cut hundreds of pounds out of pickups
Rare barn-find 1964 Shelby Cobra goes to auction
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