Spy satellite launched from California
Old ways best in childrearing - think Neolithic.

Video: This is what global warming looks like

By Doyle Rice, USA TODAY

A new video (below) from advocacy group the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) highlights the various weather disasters that occurred around the world this summer, which the NRDC says is a preview of future climate destruction due to global warming.

As the video shows, from Russia's heat and wildfires, to Pakistan and China's floods, to the USA's record heat, it was a summer filled with wild extremes of weather.

According to the NRDC, "the extreme weather fits a pattern long expected by climate scientists as a consequence of climate change."

Of course, as scientists who I interview always note, no single weather or climate event can directly be linked to global warming. And with the vagaries of weather, who knows, the USA could be heading into a record cold winter.

By Doyle Rice

Spy satellite launched from California
Old ways best in childrearing - think Neolithic.
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