Matt Damon, Jodie Foster go futuristic with 'Elysium'
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New visitors coming to ABC's 'Once Upon a Time'

By Bill Keveney, USA TODAY

Once Upon a Time will be getting some new visitors.

Captain Hook, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty and Jack of Beanstalk fame will appear in Season 2 of the ABC fairy-tale drama. Comic-Con fans got brief glimpses and hints of the characters at a panel today.

When Season 1 ended, the spell that encased the small Maine town of Storybrooke was broken and characters remembered their alternate fairy-tale identities. But, just as quickly, Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) released a purple fog that will have its own consequences.

"Bad things are still happening in Storybrooke," young Henry (Jared Gilmore) said in a Comic-Con video that heralded the arrival of Hook.

Speaking of Henry, the biological son of Emma (Jennifer Morrison), viewers will learn the identity of his father this season. The fairy-tale parallel character for Dr. Whale (David Anders) also will be revealed.

Although the Evil Queen's (Lana Parrilla) spell was broken at the end of Season 1 and the characters no longer were in the dark about their fairy-tale identities, their Storybrooke lives are relevant, And the show will still split time between both worlds.

"We explore what it meant to spend all these cursed years. For David (Josh Dallas), for Regina (Parrilla) for everyone, this is part of who they are now," executive producer Adam Horowitz said.

Matt Damon, Jodie Foster go futuristic with 'Elysium'
Quentin Tarantino unchains 'Django' on Comic-Con
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