Jerry Jones wants Golden Tate fined for block to Sean Lee's chin (VIDEO)
Steve Young on refs: Fans still watch, so NFL doesn't care

Replacement referee gets hit in face, loses hat in Falcons-Broncos scrum (PHOTO)

By Chris Chase, USA TODAY

A replacement referee got caught in the middle of a scuffle between members of the Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons on Monday night and lost his hat after he was inadvertently struck in the face.

Following a disputed fumble recovery, more than 20 players were involved in a brief altercation that featured the usual on-field extracurriculars. In the middle of the scrum, Falcons defensive end Ray Edwards was twisted around while engaged with Broncos defensive tackle Kevin Vickerson. Edwards tried to shove Vickerson but was blocked by the referee getting in the middle of the fight. Vickerson responded with a shove of his own. Denver teammate Orlando Franklin saw the incident and stepped in, pushing his open right palm toward Edwards' face. As he did, another Broncos player made contact with the ref, whose hat flew off due to the force.

In the yellow circle in the picture above, the ref's face is above Franklin's outstretched hand. Another angle showed Franklin didn't make direct contact with the ref; another Broncos player was pushed into him as Franklin punched.

As in the Ravens-Eagles and Redskins-Rams games on Sunday, officials let players in Monday night's contest get chippy early and failed to establish control. Fighting is a natural byproduct of a system with no repercussions. Players have no fear, like kids acting out when there's a substitute teacher.

Neither Franklin nor any other Bronco was penalized on the play. Only the Falcons' Edwards was flagged.

"We also have a dead-ball personal foul," the ref announced after retrieving his hat. "No. 93, red."

Many on Twitter mocked the ref for his use of "red" rather than "Atlanta" or "the Falcons." I choose to look at that glass as half-full: At least he got the color right.

Jerry Jones wants Golden Tate fined for block to Sean Lee's chin (VIDEO)
Steve Young on refs: Fans still watch, so NFL doesn't care
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