'God of War' set to reign over multiplayer
Review: 'Prototype 2' a typical sandbox game

'Angry Birds Space' tops 50 million downloads

By Brett Molina, USA TODAY

It took 35 days for Rovio's hit physics-friendly puzzle game Angry Birds Space to top 50 million downloads.

Developer Rovio says the game's download pace has smashed all their previous records.

The news follows a recent update to the mobile versions of the game, which add 10 more levels.

Like previous Angry Birds titles, Space requires players to knock out groups of greedy pigs by launching super-powered birds with a slingshot. Since the game is set in space, players must contend with gravity in choosing the best trajectory for their shots.

The game is available on PCs, Macs, Apple's iOS and Google's Android mobile platforms.

REVIEW:  'Angry Birds Space' is out of this world

'God of War' set to reign over multiplayer
Review: 'Prototype 2' a typical sandbox game
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