Surgery won't affect Idols tour, Phillips says
Phillip Phillips is "in awe" of his 'American Idol' win

Jessica Sanchez has "no regrets" about time on 'Idol'

By Lindsay Deutsch, USA TODAY

Sixteen-year-old Jessica Sanchez wowed the American Idol judges with her mature singing voice, leading them to use their save on her during the week 7 results show.

The powerful San Diego balladeer almost made it all the way Wednesday night, losing the Idol title to Phillip Phillips.

Sanchez says the save drove her to push herself harder, but "it was a bad thing, too, because I was pushing too hard and didn't really feel my songs. I was always trying to prove myself and I focused on that too much."

Now that the show is over, Sanchez says she is excited for tour and beyond. She hopes to produce an album that is a bit different from what viewers saw on Idol: "Urban, R&B, a little bit of pop but not much. I want to have that gritty side of me come out, not like bubblegum."

Sanchez talked about her song choice, working on dance moves and a possible duet with Jesse McCartney in a conference call with reporters. Here is a transcript, edited for clarity:

Congratulations! Are you relieved it's over?

I kind of am but I am going to miss everything! The people and the schedule and just the whole craziness.

You've said you want your sound to be kind of Rihanna and kind of Beyonce. What do you want your album to be like?

Urban, R&B, a little bit of pop but not much. I want to have that gritty side of me come out, not like bubblegum.

What was it like to sing with Jennifer Holliday? That was an amazing performance.

It was so much fun. I was in the moment and so was she, we were making the most ridiculous faces I know, we were just really digging deep into our hearts and singing the heck out of that song.

What was the best advice you received this season?

I've gotten a lot of advice, but something I've always believed in is keep striving for my dreams and if I do succeed, always stay humble and stay grounded and always remember where I came from.

Is there any song you wanted to sing this season but didn't get to?

I really wanted to sing How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore by Prince, I love that song and I really wanted to do it, but Prince isn't really clearing songs for shows right now.

How much pressure was it when you sang Whitney Houston songs? Were you nervous especially after the tragedy earlier this year?

Most definitely. They actually pushed that in there a couple hours before the show so I didn't even know I was singing it. It was a shocking moment for me but I was excited to sing and pay tribute because I love Whitney Houston.

Were you surprised by the result?

Not at all. I believed Phillip was going to win, not that I think I'm bad, but he has a huge fan base. He's really an artist. He sang so many different songs, and whenever he sings sounds like him. That's what it takes to be a real artist and I'm so happy and proud of him.

When do you next get to go home?

I'm not sure exactly when it's going to be, but it will be for a couple of days and I will be spending time with my family and enjoying the moments.

There seemed to be a bit of song choice missteps, by no fault of your own. What was the process of picking songs like?

For Jimmy Iovine and stuff, that was all them. I couldn't really choose anything. For the single, I had a day to pick and they didn't give us many choices. Even that I had to make little adjustments to. It was very difficult, but now that I have time and variety and look through songs and work with different producers, I'm definitely going to make my real single something that is 100% me.

Was it hard for you to come back after the judges' save?

It was difficult but didn't really affect my confidence. It made me push harder. It was a bad thing too because I was pushing too hard and didn't really feel my songs. I was always trying proving myself and I focused on that too much. When we had to sing songs the judges picked, it was a big challenge because we didn't have any say or any choices.

What was last night's lead-up to the announcement like?

I really thought Phillip was going to win so I was really happy for him. I have no regrets.

Does it really matter to your career that you didn't come in first place?

Not at all. Jennifer Hudson came in like 7th place and she's one of the biggest ones now. I have so much respect for her, and hopefully I'm one of those people. I think all 12 of us will have successful careers and I can't wait.

What toll did the show have on your personal life?

It's hard, but I'm coping with it because I feel like I'm not doing this only for just myself, I'm doing this for them too so it's not like I'm being fair to them.

Do you think a woman can actually win Idol knowing the voting public is mostly girls?

I have no idea. My only disappointment of wanting to win is to break that whole guy reign and have a girl win it for once. But, I'm so proud of Phillip. He's so talented.

What will be the biggest challenge post-Idol?

Right now, we're in the American Idol bubble and didn't really see much of what was going on in the real world. Also, we are known as American Idol contestants, so it's going to be difficult to be known as an artist, not an American Idol contestant.

Who would you choose: Rihanna or Beyonce?

I love both of them but Beyonce is an amazing person overall. She seems so sweet and humble, has a private life, and is an amazing performer. She can pretty much do anything.

Did you have any idea you would make it this far?

I was hopeful, but I didn't even think I would get 2 minutes on TV. I feel blessed.

If you could change one performance, what would it be?

I have no regrets at all, I made top two. I'm happy and content with where I am.

The news broke when Thalia tweeted that Tommy Mottola is working on your first CD. Why are you excited to work with him?

I really don't know anything about this. They haven't directly contacted me so I don't know what's happening with that.

Will you be doing a tribute to Donna Summer?

I'm not really sure what I'll be doing on the tour, but I'm looking forward to it.

Who did you think was going to be your biggest competition?

All of them. We were all different genres, different singers.

What was your high point on the show?

I loved singing a number of songs on the show. I had fun with everything that I sang. I've gotten some tweets from celebrities.

You have the voice and the looks, but have said you're not a good dancer. Is dancing something you want to practice?

Most definitely. I'm really trying to work on that right now.

How much input did you have on your fashion?

I do have a lot of say on what I wore. If I didn't like something, I would say something and they would cooperate and try to fit it with what I want.

What are you planning to do with your down-time now that the show is over?

I have three days to go home but that's about it and it's back to work.

What does this experience mean to you?

I've been wanting this since I was a little girl. I've been working hard ever since I was little so you just have to put your mind to it and it will happen.

You and Jesse McCartney have been tweeting back and forth about doing a duet together. What are your thoughts about that?

Nothing's been confirmed and I've been really busy, but we'll see what happens.

Surgery won't affect Idols tour, Phillips says
Phillip Phillips is "in awe" of his 'American Idol' win
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