Ruben Studdard sings about breakup in new song
'Idol' airplay: Kelly Clarkson, Mandisa and more

Your Random Weekend Memo

By Brian Mansfield, USA TODAY

Okay, let's wrap up the week real quick:

Clay Aiken's going to be on Celebrity Apprentice. Blake Shelton's going to bring his pal Kelly Clarkson in to mentor his singers on The Voice this season. Carrie Underwood thinks it'd be "a bad idea" to have kids right now. Adam Lambert discusses his forthcoming Trespassing album in a new interview with U.K. site PressParty. And the Wall Street Journal has an interesting piece of Mormon missions that takes its cue from David Archuleta's recent announcement that he'll take two years off from his music career to serve as a missionary.

Speaking of Adam Lambert, I finally got those Better Than I Know Myself numbers for you. According to Nielsen SoundScan, Adam's new single sold 38,800 downloads its first week out and 17,900 this past week, for a release-to-date total of 56,700. Sorry it took so long to get those figures, but I'm happy to pass them along now.

And now, on to the music videos.

This week, I'm going to play a game that's been sweeping Facebook lately, then expand its parameters.

Here's the drill:

  1. Find out the song that was #1 the week you were born.
  2. Find that song on YouTube.
  3. Post that video link here without shame!!!

For me, that record was Bobby Vinton's Blue Velvet.

But, wait, there's more!

The No. 1 R&B hit that week was Martha & the Vandellas' (Love Is Like A) Heat Wave.

The No. 1 Country hit was George Hamilton IV's Abilene.

And the No. 1 hit in England that week was The Beatles' She Loves You.

Okay, it's your turn. Post the links in the comments thread below.

Now, here's a video that has nothing to do with the week I was born. It's simply too cool not to share: Tom Jones performing Long Time Gone with Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young in 1969.

For an unexpected collaboration that's a little newer, here's Wilco, Nick Lowe and Mavis Staples rehearsing a version of The Band's The Weight before a show last month.

And, just 'cause I like it, a 1971 Rolling Stones performance of Midnight Rambler.

Finally, USA TODAY premiered a track from the upcoming Chieftains album, Voice of Ages, earlier this week. It's a rendition of the traditional Appalachian ballad Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies, done with Miranda Lambert's group, the Pistol Annies. I think you'll enjoy it.

That's it for now. Remember, American Idol Season 11 is less than two weeks away. But I have a feeling that plenty of exciting news will break before then. Have a great weekend!

Ruben Studdard sings about breakup in new song
'Idol' airplay: Kelly Clarkson, Mandisa and more
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