
A-Rod's 8-year-old daughter says the craziest thing her dad has ever done is cut her an apple

Alex Rodriguez shared his daughter’s adorable “Parent’s Day” worksheet on social media. He wrote that he loves it, but he also noted that he isn’t as old as she thinks he is. She tacked on a few extra years — that’s pretty close, though. She could’ve exaggerated and joked he’s 100, as kids do.

There is plenty of sweetness and love packed into her answers. The funniest lines are:

  • The best thing my dad cooks is he doesn’t cook, and even if he did, hmmm…

A-Rod does grocery shop, though, at least! That’s a start. There’s proof.

And he’s stood in a kitchen before.

  • My dad is really good at typing fast on his Blackberry.

Being able to type fast is an important life skill.

  • The craziest thing my dad ever did was cut me an apple.


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